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Almost Devcontainer in CLion


Devcontainer plugin in CLion is not as good as in VSCode. It's almost entirely broken. An alternative is to use Docker Compose to run the container and configure CLion to use it as a remote toolchain.


Getting Started

  1. Open repository in CLion.

  2. Run containers with Docker Compose.

    cd .devcontainer/
    docker-compose up -d
    cd .devcontainer/
    docker-compose up -d
  3. Setup container Unlike to VSCode devcontainer support, CLion will not setup container automatically. You have to do it manually.

    1. Shell into workspace container.
    docker compose exec workspace bash
    docker compose exec workspace bash
    1. Setup ROS dependencies.
    cd /home/ws && sudo apt update && rosdep update && make custom-deps deps
    cd /home/ws && sudo apt update && rosdep update && make custom-deps deps
  4. Configure CLion.

    1. Open Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Toolchains.
    2. Add new toolchain with remote host localhost, port 2222 and remote user openmower authenticated with password openmower.
    3. Inside workspace container run a command that retrieves ROS workspace env vars:
    docker compose exec workspace /home/ws/
    docker compose exec workspace /home/ws/
    1. In Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> CMake pick your new toolchain and fill in Environment with env vars from previous step.
  5. Load targets

    1. Open CMakeLists.txt and click Load CMake Project.
    2. Make sure every target you want to build is configured with your new toolchain and has the same env vars as for CMake.
  6. Enjoy your development environment.