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OpenMowerROS2 firmware


Original OpenMower firmware is communicating with ROS via serial port using simple packet protocol. With ROS2 we can use more advanced communication protocols, like DDS, using micro-ROS. No need to run a dedicated node that translates serial packets to ROS messages. Micro-ROS takes care of that.

This firmware supports only the recent OpenMower mainboard v0.13.x.


  • ✅ DDS communication
  • sensor_msgs/Imu message published on /imu/data_raw topic
  • sensor_msgs/BatteryState message published on /power topic
    • std_msgs/Float32 message published on /power/charge_voltage topic
    • std_msgs/Bool message published on /power/charger_present topic
  • ✅ OpenMower charging logic
  • ✅ ping micro-ROS agent, if not responding for some time, reboot
  • 🔴 safety features


Follow instructions in omros2-firmware repository.