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ROS workspace


ROS workspace is a directory where you can build and run ROS packages. It is a recommended way to organize your ROS projects. It's no different for OpenMowerROS2. The root of the repository is a ROS workspace.

Main packages

Map management

The map management is a ROS package responsible for managing map. It is a drop-in replacement for nav2 map server.

More information can be found in map management section.

External packages

There are few biggest chunks to mention:

  • ros2_control - differential drive controller, but also a hardware layer provider
  • nav2 - navigation stack
  • robot_localization - fuse sensors data to get accurate pose estimation
  • NTRIP client - a ROS node to connect to NTRIP caster and get RTK corrections
  • Foxglove bridge - a ROS node exposing websocket connection to Foxglove Studio. See instructions here. It can be used for custom Web UIs as well.

Hardware specific packages: